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Lone Meineche

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Redes sociales con Lone Meineche


Lone Meineche
08394 Sant Vicenç de Montalt / Barcelona, Spain
Local director of BNI Barcelona, Director, Evolve
LinkedIn, Ecademy, XING, BNI
 Certificate from the British College of systemic Psychotherapy and Counselling ()
German, English, Spanish, Danish
  (Local director of BNI Barcelona, Director, Evolve), Evolve - personal and leadership development,  (Director and systemic procesconsultant), C.A.T.weasel,  (Freelance trainer), Dresdner Bank,  (Consultant within leadership communication), Pathfinder A/S,  (Assistant at seminars), The Aarhus School of Business,  (Assistant for researchg...
Contacts with businesspeople situated en Barcelona interested in increasing their business through giving and receiving referrals, contacts with people with casa rurales with land on El Hierro, contact with casa rurales with surrounding plots of land preferably with forests on it, that may be used for outdoor activities, an assistant director for BNI en Barcelona (speaks Catalan and Spanish maybe ...
A very efficient system for growing your business through referrals, contacts, intensive and at times challenging retreats in nature with focus on personal or professional development (vision quests/biographical seminars, see www.2-evolve.com)
Networking, getting to know new people, systemic therapy and psychology, indoor rowing vegetarian cooking, reading, studying, a good film, rhodesian ridgeback, diving, outdoor, hiking, experiential education, outdoor, team building, personal development in and with nature, vision quest, the concept of leadership, organisational development, language and its use within systemic therapy, Steve de Sh...