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González-Álvarez, M., Alzuet, G., Borrás, J., Macías, B., del Olmo, M., Liu-González, M y Sanz, F. Nuclease activity of [Cu(sulfathiazolato) 2 (benzimidazole) 2]2MeOH.
González-Álvarez, M., Alzuet, G., Borrás, J., Macías, B., del Olmo, M., Liu-González, M y Sanz, F. Nuclease activity of [Cu(sulfathiazolato) 2 (benzimidazole) 2]2MeOH
Indexbit (Computer Software industry): Technical Consultant, (2004-2006) Analysis, design and development of Web technical solutions, using MS Visual Studio .Net, Microsoft SQL Serv...