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Aurelie Dechamps

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Aurélie Pols Dechamps
28001 Madrid, Spain
Principal Partner
Web Analytics Association
 Master in eBusiness Solvay Business School, Université Libre de Bruxelles (), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Statistics & Econometrics, Licence), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Economics, Candidatures)
German (Good knowledge), English (First language), French (First language), Dutch (Fluent), Spanish (Basic knowledge)
  (Principal Partner), NextStage Analytics,  (Board of Advisors), WebAnalyticsDemytified Inc.,  (Member of Board of Advisors), OX2/LBi Group,  (Web & Customer Analytics Practice Lead), OX2,  (Web Analytics Team Leader), WebAnalytics.be,  (COO/ Web Analytics & Marketing Manager), Deutsche Bank,  (Responsible for set-up of...
Contacts in the WA, BI & CRM world in order to enhance business decisions made on the basis of true figures. Integrations with different platforms, ranging from CMS, SEM Bid managers, ERP & CRM systems & BI tools. Particular focus on online campaign management and it's related measure as well as Web Analytics for public instances & financial sector.
Developed as an alternative to the largely tactical measurement consulting firms practicing today, Web Analytics Demystified is increasingly the company that business turns to when they realize that buying software and deploying code are simply not enough.
Data to enhance efficiency, accountability, responsibility & ROI. Mantra: Data Driven Decision Making. Link the online communication tools to Web & Customer Analytics insights through the use of A/B & Multivariate testing while also integrating the gathered data from external applications & quantitative findings. Building on this strategic vision, companies should embrace data tran...
Acerca de mi:
Aurélie , co-founder of OX2 and currently Principal Consultant at Web Analytics Demystified Inc., has a degree in Economics with specializations in Econometrics & Statistics and holds a Master in eBusiness. She was recently Web & Customer Analytics Practice Lead at LBi, the leading independent pan-European Interactive Agency, following OX2’s acquisition.She has 10 years of experience with ...