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Fecha: Dom 14-06-09 09:28 Puntuación: 5.0 Reproducciones: 6141 Tags: Swish Manoeuvres Skateboarding New Zealand Owairaka Ruben Baker Nick Lister Tim Schmidt Nick Mitchell Toby Locke Ross ...
Maybe one day NZs best skater will be as good as American 13 year olds.You can only ... edwin massold and ruben baker are the best .
Fecha: Dom 14-06-09 09:28 Puntuación: 5.0 Reproducciones: 6141 Tags: Swish Manoeuvres Skateboarding New Zealand Owairaka Ruben Baker Nick Lister Tim Schmidt Nick Mitchell Toby ...
Maybe one day NZs best skater will be as good as American 13 year olds.You can ... edwin massold and ruben baker are the best .